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Women like security, men like respect, society likes status

Money is not real part 2

Evening, remember that you can listen to this newsletter article in audio format right here.

Did you know a woman’s number one need is security? What do I mean by that?

I mean a woman will mostly feel loved when she feels secure emotionally, financially, spiritually and mentally. That’s how you make her feel loved.

For men the number one need is respect. I know we may want to say no it’s sex, not really, it is respect. When a man feels respected he feels loved.

Now something here interesting happened, men and women have made money to be their number one fulfiller. What meets all their needs.

Women feel like the only way to be secure is to either be with a man who is rich and has a lot of resources or be independent, get a degree, chase a high paying career and chase the bag.

Men think that the only way to be respected by society and women is by accumulating money through entrepreneurship or getting a good paying job. That’s why you often hear that “A man can’t be loved unless he has money”.

It all goes down to getting our needs met through getting the money, glowing up, get a nice car, have an iPhone, get a big home, travel, fly, post content about all that, and that’s what society likes, it wants status, to show that you’re a person of a certain status.

Now here is where my argument comes in. Money is not real, meaning it has no intrinsic value of its own, except the value we attach to it. Look at the olympic gold medals they are just 1% gold. Although the rest is not real intrinsic value it is just perceived value, it is just a “ highly symbolic and priceless piece of medal”. It’s around 92% silver.

But money is way worse, since money is paper, well of course it’s not just ordinary paper, but the type which is different from the rest. So it has no intrinsic value in and of itself. We just attach value to it, its value is faith, its symbolic.

This in turn has made us idolize money, making it our god that can meet all our needs and wants. We are not confident until we have money, we are not safe, we are not validated, in fact we feel recognized and validated when we have money, and a lot of it. We may say we trust God but we are really trusting that which we think will meet all our needs.

For a man money is symbolic to respect, for a woman money is symbolic to security and to society money is symbolic to status and success. This pursuit of money has given money a life of its own while 3000 years ago money was just accounting.

Money was just accounting, how did it take a life of its own? We’ll get into that next week.