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  • Who owns Choppies shares & How much equities each group owns?

Who owns Choppies shares & How much equities each group owns?

How much different groups own equities/ shares in Choppies

Today we are talking about how much equities is owned by groups from who owns the biggest pie to the smallest piece. Starting with the smallest;

  1. VC/PE firms 

    Venture Capitals & Private Equity firms, these companies own about 131 291 985 shares(millions) which equates to 7.26% of the equity

  2. Institutions

    Includes government institutions and companies, they own about 241 242 163 shares (millions) which equates to 13.3% of the equity

  3. Private companies

    Companies not owned by the government and are for profit, they own about 282 744 725 shares (millions) 15.6% of the equity

  4. General public

    Everyone who bought stocks of the stock market through brokers, they own about 311 675 244 shares (millions) 17.2% of the equity

  5. Individual insiders

    Director, senior officer, entity that owns 10% or more stakes, these own about 841 937 244 shares (millions) 46.5% of the equity