Big Green snowflakes aka good companies to invest in

In Botswana there are 9 of them

Hello, when we say a company is a big green snowflake it means a company that checks a lot of the necessary things that make it successful: Value, future, past, health, dividend

The more a company checks these marks the more successful it is and considered green, the less a company checks them the less it is considered investment worthy on many screening sites it will be seen as orange or red.

So I identified 9 companies that are successful. But note, not all green is the same you have light green that is lime (this is the healthiest) and green that almost looks orange (this one is not as good as the others but still good enough to consider). Here they are.


  1. Botswana Telecommunications services- btcl

  2. Sefalana Holdings

Green-Darker green

  1. Choppies Enterprise

  1. First National Bank Botswana

  2. Sechaba Brewery

  3. Far Property

  4. Turnstar Holdings

  5. Chobe Holdings

  6. New African Properties